Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App


lumo back problems Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

One of the biggest problems nowadays is to have control over your posture. We’re living hectic times and we forget about how important is to sit…straight! LUMOback Sensor is a wonderful device that gently vibrates “when you slouch from your lower back, reminding you to sit or stand straight.”  This modern gadget is wonderful and useful to those who can’t keep a track of their activity. A super-sophisticated Bluetooth technology helps LUMOback to track your movements, being sent wirelessly to your iDevice app.

Lumoback Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

LUMOback Sensor consists of a comfortable belt (only8.5mm thin), that can be worn throughout the day. Once the information arrives on the iOS device, you know everything about your posture, thanks to a friendly avatar called LUMO. Basically your activity is tracked in real time and the best part of this experience is that, knowing your wear the sensor belt, makes you also more aware of your back position. LUMOback is compatible with The New iPad (3rd generation and 4th also), the 5th generation iPod touch and iPhones (4S and 5). Unfortunately, it does not work (yet) on Android devices.


Lumoback and App Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

Lumo Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

Lumo Back Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

LumoBack Sit Straight With LUMOback Sensor and Mobile App

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