Year Two = Continued Inspiration

Not even realizing it, the two year anniversary of my business and blog already past. How crazy is it that this happened and I totally forgot? I knew the 2 year mark was approaching but when I looked at the actual date on the calendar (yesterday), it suddenly dawned on me that I started this amazing adventure of DIYing and decorating on September 18, 2010.

Well in the big spectrum of life, who really cares about that specific date. More importantly, I want to thank you all for following along on this completely unforeseen journey. To all the newbies, as well as my longtime followers that have been with me from day one, you make what I do all worth it.

I feel everyone in life has a mission, and Im thankful to have found that mission, and thats to inspire others and help them create a home where they truly love to live. My journey on this crazy, exciting venture is still in baby-step-mode, and I cant wait to see and experience whats ahea d. I never, ever in my entire life would have predicted 2+ years ago that my life would take the path that it has. I am so thankful and grateful that I learned to let go of what I thought was the right direction and instead open my eyes to the actual direction I was to take.

This quote is a favorite of mine and something I reflect on often

I have met some amazing people while blogging and even though most I have never had the pleasure talking to face to face, I have never been inspired more.

Inspire and Be Inspired!



Via: Year Two = Continued Inspiration

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